Thursday, February 26, 2015

Facebook: Please join our Facebook group! Instagram: use #GNW2015

1. Official (Google) Calendar of Events (link above), or download a detailed list of events (PDF)

2. Link to the assigned readings for class: Dropbox Link

3. Dietary Restrictions / Arrival Date: Please fill out the spreadsheet: Google Spreadsheet Link

4. Ride Share Information (car pool between New Haven and the airport): Google Spreadsheet Link

5. Everyone should download the UBER app on their phones. It’s the cheapest/quickest taxi in New Haven. Signing up with the link below gives you $20 worth of rides for free. That's good for about 3 rides around New Haven's campus (in my experience). Link: UBER Link

6. For all the loyal WeChat users. Please join the following Group ID Name: "Yale SOM GNAM 2015, March 2 to 6"
7. Please fill out the housing survey: Google Survey