Monday, March 9, 2015

Stay in Touch

The Yale GNAM facebook is finally done. We encourage everyone to stay in touch! Click here to download

Friday, March 6, 2015

Guest Speaker Opportunity 3/7

We would like to invite any of the Global Network Week students who will still be in New Haven to tomorrow's class (Saturday March 7, 2015). The class will run from 8am to 11am and take place in Evans Hall Classroom 4430. Coffee and light breakfast is provided. Please arrive and be seated on time.

George S. Barrett
Chairman and CEO of Cardinal Health (NYSE: CAH, $30Bn company based on Market Cap), a company ranked number 22 on the Fortune 500 and dedicated to improving the cost-effectiveness of health care.

Barrett has refocused Cardinal Health on its essential role in supporting hospitals, pharmacies and alternative sites of care in their efforts to improve the quality and safety of patient care, while reducing costs and improving efficiency. The tagline - Essential to care - embodies the company's strategy and the culture of the organization, which views its position in the evolving healthcare system as both a privilege and a responsibility. (read the rest at